
The scientists found those who regularly considered those less fortunate than themselves reported a positive effect on their emotional well-being.
  Senior author Professor Carsten Wrosch, said: "The emotional distress of regrets can trigger biological disregulation of the hormone and immune systems that makes people more vulnerable to develop clinical health problems - whether a cold or other potentially longer-term health problems. "
  "In this study, we showed that downward social comparisons can improve emotional well-being and help prevent health problems."
  Unlike findings from previous studies on the same topic, age did not determine how effectively people reconciled their life regrets.
  Dr Bauer said: "Moving on and being able to maintain good emotional well-being depends greatly on an individual's opportunity to correct the cause of their regrets."
  阅读: 有人给校报发信建议教授亲自批改作业,而不是现在的ASSISTANT, 因为这样教授才会真正了解学生的问题。
  对话。 男生将他不同意这一提议 因为1. ASSISTANT有几个, 可以分担工作,再说,教授一个人批改不过来那么多作业。2. 现在的ASSITANT都有把学生的问题反馈给教授,所以教授是了解学生的情况的。