
  1.沙漠的成因 主要有三个,共同点是lack of moisture
  (1)远离海岸的内陆沙漠 - 因为离海岸太远所以没有很多降水,这里举了Texas的三个城市的年均降水量为例
  (3)在mountain leeside的沙漠
  2和3主要都是因为warm air is cooled and then rewarmed so that the capability of carrying water decreased造成humidity of air降低导致沙漠
  2. 蜜蜂的social structure和communication
  (1)only very few male honeybees, and their function is only to mate with the queen honeybee then they die after mating or after the mating season.
  (3) 蜜蜂的行为主要受到environment的影响和cues from other bees. 这里着重讲了蜜蜂怎么知道蜂巢的food storage是否短缺
  这里问了一个词印象很深 explicit