2015年1月25日托福写作小范围预测:中文思路 + 英



  真题一:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.


  理由一:现在教学很困难,因为家长的要求越来越多。不可否认,现在的家长希望自己的子女在各个方面的表现都能比同龄人更好,因此他们极其重视小孩的教育,这相应地增加了教学的压力。( + 具体事例)但是,过去家长让孩子上学最主要的目的就是希望他们考高分,然后毕业能找到好工作来养家糊口。换句话说,过去教学比较专注于成绩。Teaching is extremely difficult today, because parents are expecting for more. It’s undeniable that parents nowadays wish that their kids can have a better performance in all respects than their peers do. Hence, parents are paying lots of attention to their kids’ education, which increases the pressure of teaching accordingly.( + 具体事例) However, the major goal of those parents in the past is that their children can get a high grade in school and thus are able to support the family by landing a good job. In other words, teaching in old days>真题二:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt>真题三:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money>  作者介绍:

  钟萍,济南托福写作名师,英语专业出身,热心教育。注重专业视角,擅于从TOEFL考试官方要求出发,施行“对症下药”,让学员应试时做到“有的放矢”; 注重用心服务,为学员拓展国外生活知识,让课堂直通澳英美。喜欢以激情幽默的方式授课,点燃学员学习的热情,让课堂充满趣味性的同时又极富效率。地道的发音,让学员感受纯正的英美教学环境。






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