


  1. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? The most important things people learn are from their families.





  Admittedly, we can learn many important things from our families, like some good qualities and habits.(+具体事例:从家庭可以学到诚实这一品质和良好的卫生习惯,而这些品质和习惯可以在工作、生活上帮助到我们)


  However, we can also learn lots of important knowledge from schools, like basic and professional knowledge.(+具体事例:从学校可以学会算数,这可以让我们针对每日的收支进行记录;也可以从学校学会外语,这可以让我们和老外交朋友,也可以了解国外文化,以及当外语老师谋生)


  Judging from the above evidence offered, I can hardly agree that the most important things people learn are from their families. In fact, I believe that what we acquire from schools is more important than that from families, in that school education can provide us with more practical abilities and skills. And all these important things play a crucial role in our careers which help to support our families.

  2. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? Political leaders have greater influenceon the society than artists.


  读过此题之后,会发现这是一道A > B的题目,针对这种题目,笔者建议使用:先部分同意,在转折,最后递进的结构来进行写作。结合题目来说就是,先说 “社会能从艺术家的作品中获益,因为艺术作品可以让人们放松,提高全民的审美和修养”,然后再说“社会能够受益于政治领导人,因为他们的决策会可以为人们营造健康的生存环境,提高人们的生活质量,”最后递进“到底艺术家还是领导人对社会影响大,取决于社会的安定程度。”这种结构的好处就在于,我们只需要在A和B两个面分别想一个理由即可,这样就降低了考生的思维难度,节省了时间。


  让步段:“社会能从艺术家的作品中获益,因为艺术作品可以让人们放松,提高全民的审美和修养”(Admittedly, society will benefit from the works of great artists, in that the artistic work will make us feel relaxed and improve the public aesthetic view and quality. As we know, the classical works of artists is the crystallization of their wisdom, which will enlighten the public. Take Jane Austen’s famous novels as an example. )

  转折段:“社会能够受益于政治领导人,因为他们的决策会可以为人们营造健康的生存环境,提高人们的生活质量,”(However, people will gain many benefits from the political leaders, since the policies they made will create a healthy environment and thus improve the public quality of life. It is self-evident that what leaders decides to do will exert an enormous impact>3. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? To be successful in a new job, theability to adapt>4. Students must takea class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are tryingto decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take?Why?


  这道题目是一个三选一的题目,这类题目最简单的思考方式,就是从A,B,C三个选项中,选出其中一项,然后说出这一项的好处,然后说出另外两种的缺陷,就可以了。此题,笔者建议选择managing personal finances,具体思路如下


  理由一:获得理财能力,可以帮助学生形成理性的消费观,避免攀比心理,从而合理分配自己的零用钱。众所周知,形成合理消费的习惯对于学生现在和未来的生活都起到非常重要的作用。(To begin with, Acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form a rational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thus making them allocating money properly. As we know, the formation of distributing one’s financial resources has a great influence> 5. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the morethey should give away for charity.


  理解这道题目的含义非常重要,因为很多同学会把它简单看作是“有钱人应不应该做慈善”,这样写的话,就出现了跑题,因为这道题目的真正含义是“越有钱的人,越应该更多的做慈善“, 题目内部暗含一个逻辑,就是”越…, 越…“,所以大家一定要注意。这道题目,笔者建议选择同意,并使用总分总的结构,具体思路如下:


  理由一:有更多财富人应该做慈善, 因为有助于缩小贫富差距,从而促进社会稳定。现在社会中,人们矛盾产生的源头之一就是财富分布不均, 所以富人通过慈善帮助穷人可以减少人们的抱怨。(First and foremost, those people with greater wealth should donate more money in order to narrow the financial disparity between the poor and the rich and thus promote the social stability. As we know, the uneven distribution of wealth is the main factor causing the public to make complaints. )

  理由二:掌握更多财富的人做慈善的效果会更好,因为他们更有财力和影响力。相比于财力有限的人来说,有钱人能够为需要帮助的人提供更多的支持,并可以号召更多的人加入到慈善行列。(Secondly, the richer people can do a better job in charity, due to their better financial situation as well as their greater influence. Compared with people with low income, the wealthier people are able to provide more money for those in need of help and have a greater effect>  波波老师每次考试前都会为大家推送托福写作考前必读系列,请大家持续关注。



  赵波,英语语言学硕士,七年专业英语学习,深谙中英文思维和表达差异,了解中国学生在写作中存在的问题。英语专业八级,高分托福成绩, 阅读30分。热爱英语教学,授课风格儒雅温和又不失幽默,亲和力强,让学生能够快乐学习,轻松跨越考试。




