托福阅读材料—window shopping


              大家对于window shopping来说也并不陌生吧,window shopping成为了大家的茶饭后的话题,它说的是人们逛街的时候只会浏览橱窗里的商品,但不会花钱消费的行为,也给大家嗲来了很多方便,也有可能成为托福考试的话题,下面给大家介绍一个相关window shopping的话题,希望可以帮助到你更好的去理解托福考试,祝大家托福考试顺利。
              Monitor shopping is another form of window shopping, except that instead of wandering in stores, all you have to do is to log onto a shopping website. You’re online only browsing, not looking for anything in particular because you can’t afford it or you don’t need any of them, but you enjoy looking anyway. Maybe you’ll save something in your favorites or shopping cart for when you do have money.